Most Reverend Fernand Cheri

Fernand Cheri, a Franciscan Friar of the St. Louis Province, earned his M. Div from Notre Dame Seminary and a M.Th from Xavier University.  He has served or taught at a number of parishes and schools, including St. Augustine H.S., New Orleans, Hales Franciscan H.S., Chicago, Xavier University, New Orleans, and Quincy University, IL.  A popular revivalist and preacher, Cheri is also a convener of “Go Down Moses” retreats for African American young men. Similarly, he has done Kujenga Youth Leadership in Chicago and St. Louis/Belleville areas.

Now an Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans, Cheri is the Episcopal Moderator for the Catholic Campus Ministry Association; the Episcopal Liaison for the Black & Indian Mission Office African American Newsletter; and the convener of the African American Bishops.

Also, with a passion for liturgy, Cheri is a member of the Bishops’ Subcommittee on Black Catholic Worship, the Archbishop James P. Lyke Liturgical Conferences; and the Lyke Foundation, dedicated to the development of Black Catholic Worship. He wrote Songs of the Soul and the Soil: the History of Black Religious Music; compiled two 9-volume Gospel Music Discographies; wrote “Black Catholic Liturgy” in the book Tell It Like It Is; “Mass of Thanksgiving” in Freeing the Spirit magazine; and was a contributing author to Sweet, Sweet Spirit: Prayer Services from the Black Catholic Church.